Keywords:  Evidence Documents, integration profile, ED, IHE, IHE profile, RAD TF
Evidence Documents (ED) - radiology

The Evidence Documents (ED) Integration Profile is a part of the IHE Radiology Technical Framework.

This profile allows detailed non-image information, such as measurements, CAD results, procedure logs, etc. to be made available as input to the process of generating a diagnostic report either as additional evidence for the reporting physician or in some cases for selected items in the Evidence Document to be included in the diagnostic report.

The production of Evidence Documents is managed by the Scheduled Workflow profile and/or the Post Processing Workflow profile. As such, the Evidence Document Profile is required to be supported together with one or the other of those two profiles.

Evidence Documents represent one of the inputs to the reporting process described in the Reporting Workflow profile and may provide details which get included in diagnostic reports described in the Simple Image and Numeric Reports profile.

It should be noted that while Key Image Notes meet the definition of Evidence Documents, they are a special case which is dealt with separately in the Key Image Notes Profile for historical reasons.

Source:  IHE Radiology Technical Framework rev 8.

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