Keywords:  Evidence Documents, ED, integration profile, IHE, CARD TF
Evidence Documents (ED) - cardiology

The Evidence Documents (ED)  integration profile is part of the IHE Cardiology Technical Framework.

This profile defines ways for data recorded in the course of carrying out a procedure step, such as observations, measurements, and results (i.e., evidence documents), to be output by devices, such as acquisition systems and other workstations; to be stored and managed by archival systems; and to be retrieved and presented or used by display and reporting systems.

This allows detailed non-image information, such as measurements, CAD results, procedure logs, etc. to be made available as input to the process of generating a clinical Report, either as additional evidence for the reporting physician, or in some cases for selected items in the Evidence Document to be included in the report.

Source: IHE Cardiology Technical Framework rev 2.1.

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